DAY 1 - Seminar Ambassadors of Change
40 participants from Belgium, France, Italy, Malta, Spain, Portuguese, reunited to learn more about agroecology during 10 days.
The first morning, we took the time to know each others by playing games then the afternoon was dedicated to the farm, with a complete tour. We finished the day by playing instruments around a big fire. An amazing day to start this adventure !
Tomorrow we gonna study "market gardening on living soils".
Day 4 - Seminar Ambassadors of Change
We focused on dynamical rotational grazing. The challenge is to know how to graze herbivores as...
DAY 3 - Seminar Ambassadors of Change
The theme of today's workshops was Forest gardening.Maxime presented us his way of designing a...
DAY 2 - Seminar Ambassadors of Change
A wonderful jam session around the campfire yesterday ! All kinds of vibrations were heard from...
Greffe d'arbres fruitiers/Tree Grafting
[ ENGLISH BELOW ]Retour sur notre journée d'initiation à la greffe d'arbres fruitiers :🌿Après...
Our goals/Nos objectifs 2024
ENGLISH :For this new year we have lots of projects in mind and already under...
Fabrication d'une serre à semis
Depuis cette semaine nous avons entamé la construction d'une petite serre à semis!Celle-ci nous...